Thursday, July 12, 2007

So as of now I am officially working the transition office. The job may not be exactly what I am looking for though. I originally thought having a cake job would be cool to have but after just one four hour day of working I am thinking otherwise. On my first day I had several snags that I had to work through one by one….it made the job seem exciting for the time being. That feeling was short lived though, simply because after that the rest of the four hours felt like an eight hour job; I was completely bored. I am sure there are several ways I can entertain myself I just need to find them. Overall though it just feels good to actually being doing something productive around base, as unproductive as it was.

As for everything else going on; I am pretty much enjoying myself. I spent most of last week walking around without my contacts off because of my flight physical here in a month (no contacts 30 days prior); I don’t recommend driving at night like that…nearly hit an armadillo. It came out perfect though because the two weeks ago I went in to get sized for flight glasses, these glasses that are approved for the cockpit but have nothing to do with making you look good…or even ok (very similar to BCG’s or birth control glasses), and they arrived Friday. On a good note we get one pair of glasses that are cosmetic and are for use on the ground; i.e. they look good. I have been wearing them around for the past week and a half. I can’t even remember the last time I wore glasses but its taking some getting used to. I also went out for the first time since I have been here. A future roommate and I went out to a couple of bars this weekend and definitely got a feel for Del Rio. There was only one bar, The Herald, that made you feel like the you walked out of Del Rio when you walked in there; it was very upscale. The other bar we went to was ‘TB’s’ a little bar north of town that has been unofficially termed the ‘white alamo’. You can do the math yourself, a border town full of Latino’s with very few white people….well ‘TB’s’ is where it looks like most of them hang out. Its great for new Lt’s too because its cheap beer and cheap food.

Well it also seems we have found a place to live; A very nice four bedroom home with a pool and a garage. It is immaculate and should be ready to move in by the 21st of July. Still looking but we are pretty dead set on this one. Just a heads up….still living in a hotel room! I don’t recommend it to anyone, its comfortable and its nice having a person make your bed and stuff but its just small and isolated.
Oh…and just a quick note…go see transformers! The movie does exactly what it was made to do…make all us Transformer generation people feel like kids again only this time they transform into cool stuff we like to play with today….F-22, Camaro, Mustangs….etc. Anyways that’s it from my end. Happy Birthday Esteban!