Monday, December 10, 2007

Game On!

Now for a very important update. I am just days away from starting undergraduate pilot training. It feels so surreal that it is actually here; it has always been “Yeah, I will be a pilot someday,” – “Only a few years now” – “Yes! Got the slot, six months now.” Now it’s - “Unbelievable, one week!.” Today’s events are really what inspired me to write; I had my life support fitting appointment today. I was fitted for my G-suite, Harness, Helmet, and Mask today (G-suite: a girdle thing that goes around your waist and legs and is filled with air to help prevent loss of consciousness during high G-maneuvers, Harness: a harness that attaches the pilot to the ejection seat, Helmet & Mask: straight forward). It was such a great feeling putting all the gear on for the first time. Funny thing is that when I arrived I was filled with this unutterable joy about all the stuff I was getting issued but I wanted to seem cool calm and collect in somewhat of a stoic manner so I acted as if I was just picking up my laundry. I later found out that there are several guys that come in “So on top of the world because they are starting that they act like they are captain America or something,” so delicately put by the airman. Good thing I kept my mouth shut….but that pretty much sums up how I felt. At the end of the fitting the airman showed me to my ‘peg’ (locker/cubbie where my helmet/G-suite/harness are stored); the best part was seeing her put my name on my ‘peg’ and say “this is where you will suite up before you fly.” An unbelievably cool feeling knowing you’re this close to being apart of the fraternity known as Air Force Pilots.

Now all that is cool but what is more important is the studying! In the past months I was able to get a hand on a dash 1 (Flight Manual) and have been studying my Boldface/Ops limits (two pages of the aircraft limitations and emergency procedures that need to be down cold the day we start) and going over some academic material; hopefully preparing me for the first few weeks of class. The closer I get to my start date the more and more I realize the level expectations and effort that is going to be required during the next year; this will be the hardest task I have ever faced.

One of the best parts is meeting all the people that will be in 09-04 (class number). Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to meet the rest of my flight. I know I am a little biased but we have a pretty kick ass flight. Everyone is cool to be around on one level or another and everyone seems to have there head on straight…a lot of Type A guys that are going to be tough competition in the race for T-38’s but none the less great guys and gals; we are going to have a hell of a time on the way.

Our class start date is 19 Dec 07 ….a lot of us wanted it to be 17 Dec because of the correlation to the Wright Flyers historical flight but no cigar. We will have about 2 ½ days of class academics and then we will go on xmas/new years break. I will get to spend some quality time in DC with the Aunt Nena and Uncle Will and then New Years in Dallas…..Then, Game On!
Below are some pictures of the past week: