Wednesday, June 27, 2007

1st Checklist

So I am halfway through my first week and I am feeling pretty good. As Seebeck once put I still get alot of the "LT look" in I ask a question that is common knowledge to them and people give me the blank look as if I did something wrong. Its pretty cool right now though because the only things I am responsible for are the things on my checklist; basic inprocessing stuff (housing office, safety briefings, alot of medical visits, ..etc.). I am did however find out what my job is eventually going to be....I have the highly classified, most important job of .....manning the transition office desk; a little anti-climatic. I am actually excited about it because it allows me to work in the same building that the phase I & II pilots (guys flying the T-6). My job is just to inform the incoming supt (specialized undergraduate pilot training) students of what to do when they arrive I will work about 4 hours a day and about 3-4 days a week; all in all a pretty cake job. I will start training for it this Friday.
It is a very good feeling to be walking around base and just realizing to yourself that alot of these guys going through training are going to be the future leaders of our Air Force. Being in the transition office is great because everyone has their own story about how they came to be a Lt in pilot training. We also have some foreign exchange students which is pretty cool to be around to. I have narrowed down where I might be living...only problem is that it might be on the north side of Del Rio...kind of far from the base. Other than that things are going great.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Laughlin AFB

So I am finally here. Everything I have dreamed about up to this point has culminated in .....hours of boredom. I know, not exactly what you were expecting.

I arrived to Del Rio TX after a not so bad 7 hour drive; 7 hours in a car seems so much better when you have never driven the route before....that is compared to the many drives from Kansas to Texas I have made. After arriving I had to still had to stay off base because there was no room on base. I took a quick tour of the base and then prepped my uniform for my first day of work. My first day of work turned out to be great. I ended up going to the wrong place to begin with but by days end I had my in processing check list and was doing my best to complete it. I ended the day with a long awaited work out; the gym is surprisingly nice on base but still does not have everything I would like.

Over the weekend I prepared my BDU (battle dress uniform) for monday.....I kind of came up prepared with that uniform. I was missing my cover and I did not have my rank sewn on. Sunday I went to church and just traveled around town looking for nice areas to live. Like I said I have alot of down time right now. I am not used to having this much time to myself on the weekends. Overall it was a great few days to start my stay here in Del Rio. I look foward to the upcoming week and what it holds.