Monday, August 27, 2007


Well my first time out of the Rio since I got there! I went back to L-Town for the Cardona’s wedding. It was a great time that involved plenty of old friends and alcohol; good mix. The wedding was perfect, it took place at a nice little Baptist Church in Lawrence and then the reception was at Abe & Jakes. I know what you’re thinking, for those of you that know Abe & Jakes it’s a bar atmosphere but it fit the bill perfectly for the reception; It had plenty of dance space, plenty of space for tables and was open enough for people to move around and congregate. One of the cool things that everyone there got to observe was Eddie’s Best Man, an army soldier that had been hit by an IED in Iraq. He lost his leg and was meant to be in a wheel chair to come down the isle but instead used a walker to come down the isle and surprised everyone; something special he wanted to do for Eddie and Kari.

It was a little weird being back in Lawrence for the first time since I had left because this time I was not coming back for school. It was cool to see all the new students moving in everywhere around town. I thought to myself as I drove by about what they might do with their futures; what lays in store them. At the same time I began thinking about why I do what I do, to protect our way of thinking and the right to educate ourselves about the world. I continue to enjoy the satisfaction and sense of purpose I have in the world today; keeping the scientist thinking, the philosophers questioning, the engineers designing, the teachers educating, and just the overall desire to know…anything to push mankind to the next level. Overall a great trip.

Monday, August 13, 2007


So a little update from the Rio. I threw my first party last weekend! It was a little of a birthday/still going to be a pilot party. It was good though, the place did not get trashed and we only had one person get too drunk…he was the only guy that ended up in the pool too, weird. Then again it was supposed to be a pool party but ended up being a college party instead. We had guys that played beer pong to guys that played Wii (a stupid game that you use a wireless controller to dance around and look like an idiot….but it was still it) and then people that just chilled and didn’t talk all that much…academy kids (great education but no social skills…..haha…no I am just kidding…….No but seriously). And then the Fuge was officially used for the first time! The great part about our fuge is that we can fit more than one person in it……a group entertainment device. We didn’t have anyone get sick; just very dizzy so that was good. But we are still waiting for the one! The party was good though…in the process of getting ready for the party (Tiki torches that lined the yard and a grill) the house is now improved to a new level. Slowly but surely we are going to be the best house known in the Rio. Anyhow…there are some pictures below that can give you a better visual. I Thank God for every day I have here….I am having a blast!

Everyone in the Fuge!

Beer Pong

The Roomates!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sierra Hotel

Sierra Hotel!!!

I am filled with unutterable joy....really I am....I am typing this on a computer. Seriously though, I meet the qualifications to be an Air Force pilot. My dream is still alive! I can’t explain the feeling I have right now, I am really going to do this. I leave for IFS (Initial Flight Screening) in a month and a half where I will learn the basics of flight on a DA-20 (see below) for about six weeks. Then a month later I will be starting my initial briefings for SUPT (specialized undergraduate pilot training). I can’t remember a time when I never wanted to be a pilot; I have dreamed of this since I was a kid. From the time I played with every aircraft toy I ever owned, to seeing them at airshows, to learning about how they work in college, to now as I sit, watch, and listen to the 38’s roar down the runway off to fly their next sortie; soon to be me!. I can remember the day I put the uniform on for the first time. I was so overly excited, I had wanted to wear it for so long. I didn’t care that it had the lowest of the lowest rank; freshman cadet rank, one slanted bar. The only thing I cared about was that I now represented the United States Air Force; Something I have grown very proud of being apart of because of my father. I had the greatest sense of purpose. That day I felt like the most important person in the military….even though I was not even close to being in. That day came later when I pinned on my first gold bars; an equally great feeling. I am now an Air Force Officer, a second lieutenant. It will soon be my turn to have my chance at making my mark in pilot training. Soon!
I have added a few photos of what I would like to track in order of progression.






Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Family and Future

Ok….A quick update on how things are going so far. I have finally moved into the place I am going to live for the next year and a half of my life; fingers crossed (I will explain later). The place is amazing! I have three other roommates who all have characteristics of people I have never lived with before so it should be interesting. The house has four rooms, three bathrooms, a 2-car garage, and the best part a pool!. Oh….and I forgot we have a centrifuge too; see the photo below. Yup that’s right a centrifuge….its actually a modified version of a merry-go-round but living with a bunch of wanna-be pilots…it’s a fuge! The place has plenty of room for four guys to live in more than comfortably and for myself, well I feel like I am on vacation right now. I work three days a week/four hours a day and the rest of the time is mine….oh and the Air Force still pays me the same salary as any other Lt.

The POOL!!

The House


This last week was great. My family came into town to visit for my Birthday and I got TMO to bring my stuff; I felt close to home. We decided to spend the day out on the lake ‘attempting’ to wake board. We all took turns driving and attempting to wake board; lets just say driving the boat was much easier than wake boarding. It was funny too because they have been forecasting scattered thunderstorms throughout the whole week into the weekend but for those four hours that we were out there we got the perfect weather; I attribute that to the big guy upstairs, thanks. All and all a great week!

Now comes the part I have been waiting for since the day I heard the news I was upgraded to pilot, I complete my Medical Flight Screening tomorrow. I am writing this from Brooks Air Force Base or Brooks City Base (google it) as it’s called. Up to this point everything has been within my power to change/fix or to work on to make myself eligible to be the next ‘zipper suited sun-god’ but now it’s out of my hands. Tomorrow I can only hope that everything inside me works properly or is within the Air Force standards. For those not informed on what MFS (medical flight screening) is; it’s a full on hard core physical where they make sure anything and everything that might affect you in flight…works properly; and that’s just about everything.
Well I will be updating this as it happens so till the next entry which will be in a day!