Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Family and Future

Ok….A quick update on how things are going so far. I have finally moved into the place I am going to live for the next year and a half of my life; fingers crossed (I will explain later). The place is amazing! I have three other roommates who all have characteristics of people I have never lived with before so it should be interesting. The house has four rooms, three bathrooms, a 2-car garage, and the best part a pool!. Oh….and I forgot we have a centrifuge too; see the photo below. Yup that’s right a centrifuge….its actually a modified version of a merry-go-round but living with a bunch of wanna-be pilots…it’s a fuge! The place has plenty of room for four guys to live in more than comfortably and for myself, well I feel like I am on vacation right now. I work three days a week/four hours a day and the rest of the time is mine….oh and the Air Force still pays me the same salary as any other Lt.

The POOL!!

The House


This last week was great. My family came into town to visit for my Birthday and I got TMO to bring my stuff; I felt close to home. We decided to spend the day out on the lake ‘attempting’ to wake board. We all took turns driving and attempting to wake board; lets just say driving the boat was much easier than wake boarding. It was funny too because they have been forecasting scattered thunderstorms throughout the whole week into the weekend but for those four hours that we were out there we got the perfect weather; I attribute that to the big guy upstairs, thanks. All and all a great week!

Now comes the part I have been waiting for since the day I heard the news I was upgraded to pilot, I complete my Medical Flight Screening tomorrow. I am writing this from Brooks Air Force Base or Brooks City Base (google it) as it’s called. Up to this point everything has been within my power to change/fix or to work on to make myself eligible to be the next ‘zipper suited sun-god’ but now it’s out of my hands. Tomorrow I can only hope that everything inside me works properly or is within the Air Force standards. For those not informed on what MFS (medical flight screening) is; it’s a full on hard core physical where they make sure anything and everything that might affect you in flight…works properly; and that’s just about everything.
Well I will be updating this as it happens so till the next entry which will be in a day!


Unknown said...

Wow, I'm a little jealous (not many lakes in the desert)! Looks like you guys had a great time on the water! What a nice way to spend your birthday =)

Unknown said...

Oh, and you definitely need to put up some pictures of you in your uniform. I don't have any of you with your new rank =)